
R: dplyr - mutate with strptime (incompatible size/wrong result size)
· r-2 rstats

R: String to Date or NA
· r-2 rstats

R: Applying a function to every row of a data frame
· r-2 rstats

R: dplyr - Select 'random' rows from a data frame
· r-2 rstats dplyr

R: ggmap - Overlay shapefile with filled polygon of regions
· r-2 rstats ggmap

R: Linear models with the lm function, NA values and Collinearity
· r-2 rstats

R: A first attempt at linear regression
· r-2 rstats

R: Deriving a new data frame column based on containing string
· r-2 rstats

R: Filtering data frames by column type ('x' must be numeric)
· r-2 rstats

R: ggplot - Plotting multiple variables on a line chart
· r-2 rstats