
OOP: Behavioural and Structural constraints
· oop

Coding Dojo #18: Groovy Bowling Game
· oop coding-dojo bowling-game groovy

OO with a bit of functional mixed in
· oop functional-programming

OO: Reducing the cost of...lots of stuff!
· oop object-oriented-programming

OO: Micro Types
· oop micro-types

OOP: What does an object's responsibility entail?
· oop

Object Calisthenics: First thoughts
· oop object-calisthenics thoughtworks-anthology coding-dojo

Similarities between Domain Driven Design & Object Oriented Programming
· oop altnetuk ddd eric-evans

My Software Development journey so far
· learning software-development thoughtworks oop twu apprenticeship thoughtworks-university

Encapsulation in build scripts using nant
· oop build nant ncover encapsulation