My top 10 technology podcasts
· software-development podcasts

Luigi: Defining dynamic requirements (on output files)
· python luigi

Luigi: An ExternalProgramTask example - Converting JSON to CSV
· python luigi data-science data-engineering

Python 3: TypeError: Object of type 'dict_values' is not JSON serializable
· python

Neo4j: - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern character 'T' / java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2012-11-12T08:46:15Z"
· neo4j

Neo4j: Graphing the 'My name is...I work' Twitter meme
· twitter neo4j

Neo4j: How do null values even work?
· neo4j

Neo4j: Analysing a CSV file using LOAD CSV and Cypher
· neo4j cypher

ReactJS/Material-UI: Cannot resolve module 'material-ui/lib/'
· reactjs

Go: Multi-threaded writing to a CSV file
· go golang