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ClickHouse: Specifying config settings

We recently had a question on ClickHouse Community Slack about configuring the network_compression_method on an individual query basis and across all requests. Let’s see how to do just that in this blog post.

Set up

Let’s start by downloading and running the ClickHouse Server:

curl https://clickhouse.com/ | sh
./clickhouse server
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701406 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for http://[::1]:8123
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701426 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp): [::1]:9000
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701435 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: [::1]:9004
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701446 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701455 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp):
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701466 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol:
2024.08.05 12:01:54.701469 [ 85587882 ] {} <Information> Application: Ready for connections.

Settings as arguments to ClickHouse Client

The config setting that we’re interested in configuring is network_compression_method. So let’s query the system.settings table to return the default value:

./clickhouse client \
  --query "select name, value
  FROM system.settings
  WHERE name = 'network_compression_method'"
1. │ network_compression_method │ LZ4   │

Let’s say we want to change this to ZSTD. One way to do this is to pass it as a parameter to ClickHouse Client, like this:

./clickhouse client \
  --network_compression_method='zstd' \
  --query "select name, value
  FROM system.settings
  WHERE name = 'network_compression_method'"
1. │ network_compression_method │ zstd  │

This approach is fine if we want to do it on a query-by-query basis, but what if we want this compression method to be used every time.

Settings in ClickHouse Server config file

In that case, we can instead configure the setting on the server. Let’s create a file in the config.d directory called settings.xml, but you can name it differently. Config files must be XML or YAML though, so keep that in mind.


If we then restart the server, we should see the following lines:

Processing configuration file 'config.xml'.
There is no file 'config.xml', will use embedded config.
Merging configuration file 'config.d/settings.xml'.
2024.08.05 12:08:22.633434 [ 85613712 ] {} <Information> Application: Starting ClickHouse (revision: 54489, git hash: 1e194596106c727ab3731cc74eab6759969f275d, build id: <unknown>), PID 69015

And we can then re-run our query on the client:

./clickhouse client \
  --query "select name, value
  FROM system.settings
  WHERE name = 'network_compression_method'"
1. │ network_compression_method │ ZSTD  │
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