· chroma chromadb langchain til generative-ai

Chroma/LangChain: Index not found, please create an instance before querying

Somewhat belatedly, I’ve been playing around with LangChain and HuggingFace to spike a tool that lets me ask question about Tim Berglund’s Real-Time Analytics podcast.

I’m using the Chroma database to store vectors of chunks of the transcript so that I can find appropriate sections to feed to the Large Language Model to help with answering my questions. I ran into an initially perplexing error while building this out, which we’re going to explore in this blog post.

I have a script called generate_embeddings.py that I use to generate embeddings of 256 length chunks of each podcast episode:

from langchain.document_loaders import (
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma

splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(
    separator=" "

# YouTube video IDs
files = [

# Create chunks of text
data = []
for file in files:
    yt_loader = YoutubeLoader(file)
    yt_data = yt_loader.load()
    data += splitter.split_documents(yt_data)

# Create embeddings for those chunks and store them in Chroma
hf_embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

store = Chroma.from_documents(
    data, hf_embeddings,
    [f"{item.metadata['source']}-{index}" for index, item in enumerate(data)],

This takes a couple of seconds to run and then I wanted to see which chunks it would return if I asked about Anna McDonald, who was the guest for the last two episodes:

from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma

hf_embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
store = Chroma(persist_directory="db", embedding_function=hf_embeddings)

    store.similarity_search("Who is Anna McDonald?", top_n=2)

When I ran this, I got this error:

NoIndexException: Index not found, please create an instance before querying
Exception ignored in: <function PersistentDuckDB.__del__ at 0x2acde7920>

There’s a whole thread on different ways that this can happen on LangChain’s GitHub repository, but it turns out my problem was that I hadn’t specified the collection name. Let’s fix that:

hf_embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name='sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
store = Chroma(collection_name="transcript", persist_directory="db", embedding_function=hf_embeddings)

for row in store.similarity_search("Who is Anna McDonald?", top_n=2):

And now if we run the script, we’ll see the following output:

page_content="- Yeah, and you're great at explaining it. So, if you wanna know who Anna is, and you wanna know the\nbasics of Kafka Streams... Back to that episode. I'll just say you are a Customer\nSuccess Technical Architect at Confluent. - Almost got it this time." metadata={'source': 'nCLN15W_WOc'}

page_content='- Anna McDonald is a world-class,\nno universe-class expert in Kafka, and in\nparticular, Kafka Streams. Kafka Streams is an important\npart of the ecosystem and I wanted her to give us\nan introduction to the topic. Good, solid foundation in Kafka\nStreams on' metadata={'source': 'K14Kn0D-I4Y'}

page_content="and I'm joined here today\nby my friend, Anna McDonald. Anna is a customer success\ntechnical architect at Confluent. - Bravo (clapping) - I got it. Better known as the Duchess of Siesta. Anna, welcome to the\nReal-Time Analytics Podcast. - Thank you very" metadata={'source': 'K14Kn0D-I4Y'}

page_content="- What up? - My guest today- - I learned how to book a... Oh, sorry, I was just gonna say, I learned how to book a\nconference room sort of today, so I can do these. - So now we can do it more. - That's right. - My guest today has been Anna McDonald. Anna," metadata={'source': 'nCLN15W_WOc'}
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