· duckdb streamlit

Tennis Head to Head with DuckDB and Streamlit

In this blog post we’re going to learn how to build an application to compare the matches between two ATP tennis players. DuckDB and Streamlit will be our partners in crime for this mission.

Set up

To get started, let’s create a virtual environment:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

And now install some libraries:

pip install duckdb streamlit streamlit-searchbox

And now let’s open a file, app.py and import the packages:

import streamlit as st
import duckdb
from streamlit_searchbox import st_searchbox

Next, let’s create a DuckDB connection and import the httpfs module, which we’ll use in just a minute:

atp_duck = duckdb.connect('atp.duck.db', read_only=True)

atp_duck.sql("INSTALL httpfs")
atp_duck.sql("LOAD httpfs")

Importing ATP matches

We’re going to import some matches from the ATP tennis tour using the following code:

csv_files = [
    for year in range(1968,2024)
SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto($1, types={'winner_seed': 'VARCHAR', 'loser_seed': 'VARCHAR'})
""", [csv_files])

We can check that the table has been populated by running the following command:

atp_duck.table("matches").project("tourney_date, winner_name, loser_name, score").limit(5)
│ tourney_date │   winner_name   │   loser_name    │  score  │
│    int64     │     varchar     │     varchar     │ varchar │
│     19680708 │ Douglas Smith   │ Peter Ledbetter │ 6-1 7-5 │
│     19680708 │ Louis Pretorius │ Maurice Pollock │ 6-1 6-1 │
│     19680708 │ Cecil Pedlow    │ John Mulvey     │ 6-2 6-2 │
│     19680708 │ Tom Okker       │ Unknown Fearmon │ 6-1 6-1 │
│     19680708 │ Armistead Neely │ Harry Sheridan  │ 6-2 6-4 │

Searching for players

Now we’re going to create a Streamlit app on top of this data. Let’s start by adding a title:

st.title("ATP Head to Head")

And now we’ll create a function that will let us search for players:

def search_players(search_term):
    query = '''
    SELECT DISTINCT winner_name AS player
    FROM matches
    WHERE player ilike '%' || $1 || '%'
    SELECT DISTINCT loser_name AS player
    FROM matches
    WHERE player ilike '%' || $1 || '%'
    values = atp_duck.execute(query, parameters=[search_term]).fetchall()
    return [value[0] for value in values]

Next, we’re going to need some search boxes for the players, which is where the streamlit_searchbox library comes in handy.

left, right = st.columns(2)
with left:
    player1 = st_searchbox(search_players, label="Player 1", key="player1_search")
with right:
    player2 = st_searchbox(search_players, label="Player 2", key="player2_search")


st.header(f"{player1} vs {player2}")
st.error("No matches found between these players.")

We can then launch the Streamlit app by running the following command:

streamlit run app.py

If we navigate to http://localhost:8501, we’ll see the following screen where we can search for players:

Djokovic vs Nadal

Finding matches

Let’s now update the app to find matches between players:

matches_for_players = atp_duck.execute("""
SELECT tourney_date,tourney_name, surface, round, winner_name, score
FROM matches
WHERE (loser_name  = $1 AND winner_name = $2) OR
      (loser_name  = $2 AND winner_name = $1)
ORDER BY tourney_date DESC
""", [player1, player2]).fetchdf()

Let’s also count the number of wins that each player has and we’ll update the header too:

player1_wins = matches_for_players[matches_for_players.winner_name == player1].shape[0]
player2_wins = matches_for_players[matches_for_players.winner_name == player2].shape[0]
st.header(f"{player1} {player1_wins}-{player2_wins} {player2}")

If we go back to our web browser, we’ll see this:

Djokovic vs Nadal Matches

So far, so good.

Aggregation by surface and round

Let’s now do some aggregations. One of the cool things about DuckDB is that we can query a Pandas DataFrame as if its a table. The code below groups wins by round and surface:

left, right = st.columns(2)
with left:
    st.markdown(f'#### By Surface')
    by_surface = atp_duck.sql("""
    SELECT winner_name AS player, surface, count(*) AS wins
    FROM matches_for_players
    st.dataframe(by_surface.pivot(index="surface", columns="player" ,values="wins"))
with right:
    st.markdown(f'#### By Round')
    by_surface = atp_duck.sql("""
    SELECT winner_name AS player, round, count(*) AS wins
    FROM matches_for_players
    st.dataframe(by_surface.pivot(index="round", columns="player" ,values="wins"))

And if we go back to the web browser:

Djokovic vs Nadal By Round and Surface

We can now search for other players and see how they’ve performed against each other.


These two tools make it super easy to quickly create data apps. The full code used in this blog post is on this Gist.

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