· neo4j cypher apoc

Neo4j: Cypher - Nested Path Comprehensions vs OPTIONAL MATCH

While writing my previous post about Cypher nested path comprehensions, I realised that for this particular problem, the OPTIONAL MATCH clause is a better choice.

To recap, we have the following graph:

MERGE (club:Club {name: "Man Utd"})
MERGE (league:League {name: "Premier League"})
MERGE (country:Country {name: "England"})
MERGE (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)
MERGE (league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)

MERGE (club2:Club {name: "Juventus"})
MERGE (league2:League {name: "Serie A"})
MERGE (club2)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league2)
nested projection

We started the post with the following query that returns (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(country) paths:

MATCH (club:Club)
RETURN club.name, [path = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country) | {path: path}] AS path
Table 1. Results
club.name path

Man Utd

[{path: (:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})}]



The equivalent query using the OPTIONAL MATCH clause looks like this:

MATCH (club:Club)
OPTIONAL MATCH path = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)
RETURN club.name, path

If we run that query we get the following result:

Table 2. Results
club.name path

Man Utd

(:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})



We concluded the post with the following query that returns as much of the (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(country) as exists:

MATCH (club:Club)
WITH club,
       [path1 = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league) |
        {path1: path1,
         path2: [path2 = (league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country) | path2]}] AS path
RETURN club.name,
       [item in path | {path: apoc.path.combine(item.path1, item.path2[0])}]
Table 3. Results
club.name path

Man Utd

[{path: (:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})}]


[{path: (:Club {name: "Juventus"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Serie A"})}]

The equivalent query using the OPTIONAL MATCH clause looks like this:

MATCH (club:Club)
OPTIONAL MATCH path1 = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)
OPTIONAL MATCH path2 = (league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)
RETURN club.name, path1, path2
Table 4. Results
club.name path1 path2

Man Utd

(:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})

(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})


(:Club {name: "Juventus"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Serie A"})


As in the other post, we can then use APOC's apoc.path.combine function on these paths:

MATCH (club:Club)
OPTIONAL MATCH path1 = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)
OPTIONAL MATCH path2 = (league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)
RETURN club.name, apoc.path.combine(path1, path2)
Table 5. Results
club.name path

Man Utd

(:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})


(:Club {name: "Juventus"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Serie A"})

That works well when we only have two paths to combine, but what if we have more than that? Let’s run the following query to create an IN_CONFEDERATION relationship from England:

MATCH (country:Country {name:"England"})
MERGE (confederation:Confederation {name: "UEFA"})
MERGE (country)-[:IN_CONFEDERATION]->(confederation)
optional match

Now we can write the following query to optionally find each of our three relationships, IN_LEAGUE, IN_COUNTRY, and IN_CONFEDERATION:

MATCH (club:Club)
OPTIONAL MATCH path1 = (club)-[:IN_LEAGUE]->(league)
OPTIONAL MATCH path2 = (league)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)
OPTIONAL MATCH path3 = (country)-[:IN_CONFEDERATION]->(confederation)
WITH club, [path1, path2, path3] AS paths
RETURN club.name,
       reduce(acc=null, path in paths | apoc.path.combine(acc, path)) AS path

Note that we’re using the reduce function to iterate over our paths and join them together. If we run this query we’ll see the following result:

Table 6. Results
club.name path

Man Utd

(:Club {name: "Man Utd"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Premier League"})-[:IN_COUNTRY]→(:Country {name: "England"})-[:IN_CONFEDERATION]→(:Confederation {name: "UEFA"})


(:Club {name: "Juventus"})-[:IN_LEAGUE]→(:League {name: "Serie A"})

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