· ksql kafka

KSQL: Create Stream - Failed to prepare statement: name is null

I’ve been playing with KSQL over the weekend and ran into a basic error message that took me a little while to solve.

I was trying to create a stream over a topic dummy1, which is the simplest possible thing you can do with KSQL. The events posted to dummy1 are JSON messages containing only an id key. Below is an example of a message posted to the topic:

{ "id": "ABCDEFGHI"}

I tried to create the stream dummy1_original over this topic with the following statement:

ksql> CREATE STREAM dummy1_original (id varchar) WITH (kafka_topic='dummy1', value_format="JSON");
Failed to prepare statement: name is null

I didn’t find any search results to explain this error message, but realised that I’d used double quotes on the value_format, which was different to all the examples I’d seen. I’ve clearly been doing too much Cypher where you can use single or double quotes to represent string values.

Anyway…​let’s update our create statement to use only single quotes:

ksql> CREATE STREAM dummy1_original (id varchar) WITH (kafka_topic='dummy1', value_format='JSON');

 Stream created

Success! We can now query the stream like this:

ksql> SELECT * FROM dummy1_original;
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