Neo4j: Delete/Remove dynamic properties
Irfan and I were playing with a dataset earlier today, and having run a bunch of graph algorithms, we had a lot of properties that we wanted to clear out.
The following Cypher query puts Neo4j into the state that we were dealing with.
CREATE (:Node {name: "Mark", pagerank: 2.302, louvain: 1, lpa: 4 })
CREATE (:Node {name: "Michael", degree: 23, triangles: 12, betweeness: 48.70 })
CREATE (:Node {name: "Ryan", eigenvector: 2.302, scc: 1, unionFind: 4 })
We wanted to delete all the properties except for 'name', but how do we do that?
We could do it one at a time. For example:
MATCH (n:Node)
REMOVE n.pagerank
And then repeat that for all the other properties. That is a bit of a painful process though - it’d be good if we can automate it.
First we need to get a list of the properties for each node, excluding the name
The following query does this:
neo4j> MATCH (n:Node)
WITH [k in keys(n) where not k in ["name"]] as keys
RETURN keys;
| keys |
| ["lpa", "pagerank", "louvain"] |
| ["betweeness", "degree", "triangles"] |
| ["unionFind", "eigenvector", "scc"] |
Now let’s try and remove those properties. This was our first attempt:
neo4j> MATCH (n:Node)
WITH n, [k in keys(n) where not k in ["name"]] as keys
UNWIND keys AS key
REMOVE n[key];
Invalid input '[': expected an identifier character, whitespace, node labels, 'u/U', '{', 'o/O', a property map, a relationship pattern, '.' or '(' (line 4, column 9 (offset: 103))
"REMOVE n[key];"
Hmm, that doesn’t work so well. We figured that APOC would come to our rescue, we just didn’t know which procedure we needed, so we searched all of them for the term 'remove':
CALL dbms.procedures() YIELD name, signature, description
WHERE name starts with "apoc" and description contains "remove"
return name, signature, description
Here’s the output of running that query:
looks like it will do the job.
Let’s give that a try:
neo4j> MATCH (n:Node)
WITH n, [k in keys(n) where not k in ["name"]] as keys
CALL apoc.create.removeProperties(n, keys) YIELD node
RETURN count(*);
| count(*) |
| 3 |
Let’s check what keys we have on those nodes now:
neo4j> MATCH (n:Node)
RETURN keys(n) AS keys;
| keys |
| ["name"] |
| ["name"] |
| ["name"] |
Cool, that worked well!
I was curious whether we could avoid having to call the keys
function on each node, and instead just pass a list of all keys except for name
We can compute the list of all property keys in the database excluding name
by executing the following query:
neo4j> CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey WHERE propertyKey <> 'name'
RETURN collect(propertyKey);
| collect(propertyKey) |
| ["degree", "pagerank", "louvain", "lpa", "triangles", "betweeness", "scc", "unionFind"] |
If we want to pass in that list to the apoc.create.removeProperties
procedure, we can do so like this:
CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey WHERE propertyKey <> 'name'
WITH collect(propertyKey) AS properties
MATCH (n:Node)
WITH collect(n) AS nodes, properties
CALL apoc.create.removeProperties(nodes, properties)
YIELD node
RETURN count(*)
Bigger data
This approach works well if we want to delete properties from a small number of nodes, but what if we want to do this in bulk?
is our friend.
Let’s first create 1,000,000 nodes with properties that we want to remove:
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"UNWIND range(0, 1000000) AS id RETURN id",
"CREATE (:Node {name: 'name-' + id, pagerank: 2.302, louvain: 1, lpa: 4 })", {})
And now we’ll adapt our previous query to get rid of all properties except for name
neo4j> CALL db.propertyKeys() YIELD propertyKey WHERE propertyKey <> 'name'
WITH collect(propertyKey) AS properties
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"MATCH (n:Node) RETURN n",
"WITH collect(n) AS nodes
CALL apoc.create.removeProperties(nodes, $properties)
YIELD node
RETURN count(*)",
{params: {properties: properties}})
YIELD batches
RETURN batches;
| batches |
| 101 |
And finally, let’s check that all the properties are gone:
neo4j> MATCH (n:Node)
RETURN keys(n), count(*);
| keys(n) | count(*) |
| ["name"] | 1000001 |
Sweet, that worked perfectly!
About the author
I'm currently working on short form content at ClickHouse. I publish short 5 minute videos showing how to solve data problems on YouTube @LearnDataWithMark. I previously worked on graph analytics at Neo4j, where I also co-authored the O'Reilly Graph Algorithms Book with Amy Hodler.