· neo4j cypher strava py2neo python

Neo4j: Querying the Strava Graph using Py2neo

Last week Nigel released v4 of Py2neo and given I was just getting ready to write some queries against my Strava activity graph I thought I’d give it a try.

If you want to learn how to create your own Strava graph you should read my previous post, but just to recap, this is the graph model that we created:

strava graph

Let’s get to it!


the code in this post is available as a Jupyter notebook so if you want the code and nothing but the code head over there!

Importing libraries

Importing and creating a Graph object in Py2neo is as simple as executing the following lines of code:

from py2neo import Graph
graph = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "neo"))

Find the most recent activities

We’ll start with a simple query where we find the most recent activities that I’ve done.

recent_runs_df = graph.run("""\
MATCH (r:Run)
WITH r { .id, .startDate, .name, .movingTime, .distance,
         pace: duration({seconds: r.movingTime.seconds / r.distance * 1000}) }
RETURN r.name,
       apoc.date.format(r.startDate.epochSeconds, 's', 'MMM d yyyy') AS dateOfRun,
       apoc.date.format(r.movingTime.milliseconds, 'ms', 'HH:mm:ss') AS time,
       apoc.date.format(r.pace.milliseconds, "ms", "mm:ss") AS pacePerKm,
       r.startDate AS startDate

recent_runs_df \
  .sort_values(by = ["startDate"], ascending=False) \
  .drop(["startDate"], axis=1) \

This query converts the Cypher output into a DataFrame with the to_data_frame function. There are other formats that we can use instead but I want to post process the results using Pandas so this format works best for me.

If we run that query we’ll get the following output:

dateOfRun pacePerKm r.distance r.name time
605 Jun 13 2018 04:33 10780.2 Morning Run 00:49:11
604 Jun 11 2018 04:34 10035.8 Morning Run 00:45:53
603 Jun 9 2018 04:23 11043.2 Morning Run 00:48:29
602 Jun 8 2018 04:36 11281.2 Morning Run 00:51:57
586 Jun 6 2018 04:28 10884.9 Morning Run 00:48:38
585 Jun 4 2018 04:24 10030.5 Morning Run 00:44:14
584 Jun 2 2018 04:25 13039.8 Morning Run 00:57:41
601 Jun 1 2018 04:29 10701.7 Morning Run 00:48:02
600 May 30 2018 04:41 9828.4 Morning Run 00:46:06
599 May 28 2018 04:34 10193.0 Morning Run 00:46:42

We could also do the sorting of the data directly in Cypher, but I wanted to have all the activities available in the DataFrame so that we could play around with it directly in Pandas without having to re-run the query each time.

Find the longest activities

For example, we could find the activities ordered by distance:

recent_runs_df \
  .sort_values(by = ["r.distance"], ascending=False) \
  .drop(["startDate"], axis=1) \

If we run that query we’ll get the following output:

dateOfRun pacePerKm r.distance r.name time
594 May 19 2018 04:30 13635.2 Morning Run 01:01:27
584 Jun 2 2018 04:25 13039.8 Morning Run 00:57:41
590 May 12 2018 04:40 12963.9 Morning Run 01:00:33
597 May 25 2018 04:37 11690.0 Morning Run 00:54:02
572 May 5 2018 04:31 11674.4 Morning Run 00:52:48
531 Mar 17 2018 04:37 11299.0 Afternoon Run 00:52:19
602 Jun 8 2018 04:36 11281.2 Morning Run 00:51:57
548 Jan 27 2018 04:37 11064.7 Afternoon Run 00:51:05
603 Jun 9 2018 04:23 11043.2 Morning Run 00:48:29
586 Jun 6 2018 04:28 10884.9 Morning Run 00:48:38

We can also visualise the distances over time using matplotlib:

%matplotlib inline
recent_runs_df.plot(x="startDate", y="r.distance")

Estimated runs

In our graph we also have estimated attempts at different distances.

When you submit an activity Strava generates predicted best times for a range of distances less than the total distance for that activity. For example if you submit an activity of 6,000 metres, Strava will generated estimated times for 5k, 2 miles, 1 mile, 1k, and 400m.

We can write the following query to find my best 10k attempts:

estimated_effort_query = """\
MATCH (distance:Distance {name: {distance}})<-[:DISTANCE]-(effort),

WITH run { .id, .startDate, .distance, pace: duration({
           seconds: run.elapsedTime.seconds / run.distance * 1000})},
     effort { .elapsedTime, pace: duration({
              seconds: effort.elapsedTime.seconds / distance.distance * 1000 })}

RETURN apoc.date.format(run.startDate.epochSeconds, 's', 'MMM d yyyy') AS dateOfRun,
       apoc.date.format(effort.elapsedTime.milliseconds, 'ms', 'mm:ss') AS time,
       apoc.date.format(effort.pace.milliseconds, "ms", "mm:ss") AS pacePerKm,
       apoc.math.round(toFloat(effort.pace.seconds) / 60, 2) AS pacePerKmFloat,
       apoc.date.format(run.pace.milliseconds, "ms", "mm:ss") AS overallPacePerKm,
       run.distance AS totalDistance,
       run.startDate AS startDate
ORDER BY effort.elapsedTime
LIMIT {limit}

df_10k = graph \
  .run(estimated_effort_query, {"distance": "10k", "limit": 1000}) \

df_10k \
  .drop(["startDate", "pacePerKmFloat"], axis=1) \

dateOfRun overallPacePerKm pacePerKm time totalDistance
0 Jun 9 2018 04:24 04:24 44:05 11043.2
1 Jun 2 2018 04:25 04:25 44:12 13039.8
2 Jun 4 2018 04:27 04:27 44:35 10030.5
3 Jun 6 2018 04:28 04:28 44:49 10884.9
4 Jun 1 2018 04:29 04:29 44:59 10701.7
5 May 19 2018 04:31 04:30 45:02 13635.2
6 May 5 2018 04:33 04:32 45:26 11674.4
7 May 21 2018 04:33 04:34 45:41 10147.0
8 Jun 13 2018 04:34 04:34 45:48 10780.2
9 May 16 2018 04:34 04:34 45:49 10148.8

We can also create a matplotlib plot to see my 10k runs over time:

%matplotlib inline
df_10k.sort_values(by=["startDate"]).plot(x="startDate", y="pacePerKmFloat")

Combining estimated runs

What if we want to combine my efforts for multiple distances in a single row? The pandas merge function comes in handy here.

For example we could write the following code to create a DataFrame that combines my 10k and 5k runs:

import pandas as pd
cols = ["run.id", "dateOfRun_x", "time_x", "pacePerKm_x", "time_y", "pacePerKm_y"]

df_5k = graph \
  .run(estimated_effort_query, {"distance": "5k", "limit": 1000}) \

df_10k = graph \
  .run(estimated_effort_query, {"distance": "10k", "limit": 1000}) \

pd.merge(df_5k, df_10k, on="run.id")[cols].head(10)

run.id dateOfRun_x time_x pacePerKm_x time_y pacePerKm_y
0 1611168962 Jun 2 2018 21:24 04:16 44:12 04:25
1 1626636004 Jun 9 2018 21:34 04:18 44:05 04:24
2 1620188065 Jun 6 2018 22:00 04:24 44:49 04:28
3 1616050069 Jun 4 2018 22:01 04:24 44:35 04:27
4 1581401227 May 19 2018 22:15 04:27 45:02 04:30
5 1609355524 Jun 1 2018 22:16 04:27 44:59 04:29
6 1635264102 Jun 13 2018 22:20 04:28 45:48 04:34
7 1585759604 May 21 2018 22:27 04:29 45:41 04:34
8 1566256778 May 12 2018 22:30 04:30 46:11 04:37
9 1624450599 Jun 8 2018 22:30 04:30 46:11 04:37

That’s all for now. Hopefully that’s given you some ideas of how you can use the new version of Py2neo to query your graph data.

I only covered some examples in this blog post. If you want to see the full set you can look at the accompanying Jupyter notebook.