R: ggplot geom_density - Error in exists(name, envir = env, mode = mode) : argument "env" is missing, with no default
Continuing on from yesterday’s blog post where I worked out how to clean up the Think Bayes Price is Right data set, the next task was to plot a distribution of the prices of show case items.
To recap, this is what the data frame we’re working with looks like:
df2011 = read.csv("~/projects/rLearning/showcases.2011.csv", na.strings = c("", "NA"))
df2011 = df2011 %>% na.omit()
> df2011 %>% head()
X Sep..19 Sep..20 Sep..21 Sep..22 Sep..23 Sep..26 Sep..27 Sep..28 Sep..29 Sep..30 Oct..3
3 Showcase 1 50969 21901 32815 44432 24273 30554 20963 28941 25851 28800 37703
4 Showcase 2 45429 34061 53186 31428 22320 24337 41373 45437 41125 36319 38752
6 Bid 1 42000 14000 32000 27000 18750 27222 25000 35000 22500 21300 21567
7 Bid 2 34000 59900 45000 38000 23000 18525 32000 45000 32000 27500 23800
9 Difference 1 8969 7901 815 17432 5523 3332 -4037 -6059 3351 7500 16136
10 Difference 2 11429 -25839 8186 -6572 -680 5812 9373 437 9125 8819 14952
So our goal is to plot the density of the 'Showcase 1' items. Unfortunately those aren’t currently stored in a way that makes this easy for us. We need to flip the data frame so that we have a row for each date/price type/price:
PriceType Date Price
Showcase 1 Sep..19 50969
Showcase 2 Sep..19 21901
Showcase 1 Sep..20 45429
Showcase 2 Sep..20 34061
The reshape library’s melt function is our friend here:
meltedDf = melt(df2011, id=c("X"))
> meltedDf %>% sample_n(10)
X variable value
643 Showcase 1 Feb..24 27883
224 Showcase 2 Nov..10 34089
1062 Difference 2 Jun..4 9962
770 Showcase 2 Mar..28 39620
150 Difference 2 Oct..24 9137
431 Difference 1 Jan..4 7516
345 Bid 1 Dec..12 21569
918 Difference 2 May.1 -2093
536 Showcase 2 Jan..31 30918
502 Bid 2 Jan..23 27000
Now we need to plug this into ggplot. We’ll start by just plotting all the prices for showcase 1:
> ggplot(aes(x = value), data = meltedDf %>% filter(X == "Showcase 1")) +
Error in exists(name, envir = env, mode = mode) :
argument "env" is missing, with no default
This error usually means that you’ve passed an empty data set to ggplot which isn’t the case here, but if we extract the values column we can see the problem:
> meltedDf$value[1:10]
[1] "50969" "45429" "42000" "34000" "8969" "11429" "21901" "34061" "14000" "59900"
They are all strings! Making it very difficult to plot a density curve which relies on the data being continuous. Let’s fix that and try again:
meltedDf$value = as.numeric(meltedDf$value)
ggplot(aes(x = value), data = meltedDf %>% filter(X == "Showcase 1")) +
If we want to show the curves for both showcases we can tweak our code slightly:
ggplot(meltedDf %>% filter(grepl("Showcase", X)), aes(x = value, colour = X)) +
geom_density() +
Et voila!
About the author
I'm currently working on short form content at ClickHouse. I publish short 5 minute videos showing how to solve data problems on YouTube @LearnDataWithMark. I previously worked on graph analytics at Neo4j, where I also co-authored the O'Reilly Graph Algorithms Book with Amy Hodler.