Python/gensim: Creating bigrams over How I met your mother transcripts
As part of my continued playing around with How I met your mother transcripts I wanted to identify plot arcs and as a first step I wrote some code using the gensim and nltk libraries to identify bigrams (two word phrases).
There’s an easy to follow tutorial in the gensim docs showing how to go about this but I needed to do a couple of extra steps to get my text data from a CSV file into the structure gensim expects.
Let’s first remind ourselves what the sentences CSV file looks like:
$ head -n 15 data/import/sentences.csv | tail
5,1,1,1,Son: Are we being punished for something?
6,1,1,1,Narrator: No
7,1,1,1,"Daughter: Yeah, is this going to take a while?"
8,1,1,1,"Narrator: Yes. (Kids are annoyed) Twenty-five years ago, before I was dad, I had this whole other life."
9,1,1,1,"(Music Plays, Title ""How I Met Your Mother"" appears)"
10,1,1,1,"Narrator: It was way back in 2005. I was twenty-seven just starting to make it as an architect and living in New York with my friend Marshall, my best friend from college. My life was good and then Uncle Marshall went and screwed the whole thing up."
11,1,1,1,Marshall: (Opens ring) Will you marry me.
12,1,1,1,"Ted: Yes, perfect! And then you're engaged, you pop the champagne! You drink a toast! You have s*x on the kitchen floor... Don't have s*x on our kitchen floor."
13,1,1,1,"Marshall: Got it. Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted."
14,1,1,1,"Ted: Dude, are you kidding? It's you and Lily! I've been there for all the big moments of you and Lily. The night you met. Your first date... other first things."
We need to transform those sentences into an array of words for each line and feed it into gensim’s models.Phrase object:
import nltk
import csv
import string
from gensim.models import Phrases
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
sentences = []
bigram = Phrases()
with open("data/import/sentences.csv", "r") as sentencesfile:
reader = csv.reader(sentencesfile, delimiter = ",")
for row in reader:
sentence = [word.decode("utf-8")
for word in nltk.word_tokenize(row[4].lower())
if word not in string.punctuation]
We’re used nltk’s word_tokezine function to create our array of words and then we’ve got a clause to make sure we remove any words which are punctuation otherwise they will dominate our phrases.
We can take a quick peek at some of the phrases that have been created like so:
>>> list(bigram[sentences])[:5]
[[u'pilot'], [u'scene', u'one'], [u'title', u'the', u'year_2030'], [u'narrator_kids', u'i', u"'m", u'going', u'to', u'tell', u'you', u'an_incredible', u'story.', u'the', u'story', u'of', u'how', u'i', u'met_your', u'mother'], [u'son', u'are', u'we', u'being', u'punished', u'for', u'something']]
gensim uses an underscore character to indicate when it’s joined two words together and in this sample we’ve got three phrases - 'narrator_kids', 'met_you' and 'an_incredible'.
We can now populate a Counter with our phrases and their counts and find out the most common phrases. One thing to note is that I’ve chosen to get rid of stopwords at this point rather than earlier because I didn’t want to generate 'false bigrams' where there was actually a stop word sitting in between.
bigram_counter = Counter()
for key in bigram.vocab.keys():
if key not in stopwords.words("english"):
if len(key.split("_")) > 1:
bigram_counter[key] += bigram.vocab[key]
for key, counts in bigram_counter.most_common(20):
print '{0: <20} {1}'.format(key.encode("utf-8"), counts)
i_'m 4607
it_'s 4288
you_'re 2659
do_n't 2436
that_'s 2044
in_the 1696
gon_na 1576
you_know 1497
i_do 1464
this_is 1407
and_i 1389
want_to 1071
it_was 1053
on_the 1052
at_the 1035
we_'re 1033
i_was 1018
of_the 1014
ca_n't 1010
are_you 994
Most of the phrases aren’t really that interesting and I had better luck feeding the phrases into a Word2Vec model and repeating the exercise:
bigram_model = Word2Vec(bigram[sentences], size=100)
bigram_model_counter = Counter()
for key in bigram_model.vocab.keys():
if key not in stopwords.words("english"):
if len(key.split("_")) > 1:
bigram_model_counter[key] += bigram_model.vocab[key].count
for key, counts in bigram_model_counter.most_common(50):
print '{0: <20} {1}'.format(key.encode("utf-8"), counts)
do_n't 2436
gon_na 1576
ca_n't 1010
did_n't 704
come_on 499
end_of 460
kind_of 396
from_2030 394
my_god 360
they_'re 351
'm_sorry 349
does_n't 341
end_flashback 327
all_right 308
've_been 303
'll_be 301
of_course 289
a_lot 284
right_now 279
new_york 270
look_at 265
trying_to 238
tell_me 196
a_few 195
've_got 189
wo_n't 174
so_much 172
got_ta 168
each_other 166
my_life 157
talking_about 157
talk_about 154
what_happened 151
at_least 141
oh_god 138
wan_na 129
supposed_to 126
give_me 124
last_night 121
my_dad 120
more_than 119
met_your 115
excuse_me 112
part_of 110
phone_rings 109
get_married 107
looks_like 105
'm_sorry. 104
said_`` 101
The first 20 phrases or so aren’t particularly interesting although we do have 'new_york' in there which is good as that’s where the show is set. If we go further we’ll notice phrases like 'my_dad', 'get_married' and 'last_night' which may all explain interesting parts of the plot.
Having the data in the Word2Vec model allows us to do some other fun queries too. e.g.
>>> bigram_model.most_similar(['marshall', 'lily'], ['ted'], topn=10)
[(u'robin', 0.5474381446838379), (u'go_ahead', 0.5138797760009766), (u'zoey', 0.505358874797821), (u'karen', 0.48617005348205566), (u'cootes', 0.4757827818393707), (u'then', 0.45426881313323975), (u'lewis', 0.4510520100593567), (u'natalie.', 0.45070385932922363), (u'vo', 0.4189065098762512), (u'players', 0.4149518311023712)]
>>> bigram_model.similarity("ted", "robin")
>>> bigram_model.similarity("barney", "robin")
>>> bigram_model.most_similar(positive=['getting_married'])
[(u'so_glad', 0.780311107635498), (u'kidding', 0.7683225274085999), (u'awake', 0.7682262659072876), (u'lunch.', 0.7591195702552795), (u'ready.', 0.7372316718101501), (u'single.', 0.7350872755050659), (u'excited_about', 0.725479006767273), (u'swamped', 0.7252731323242188), (u'boyfriends', 0.7127221822738647), (u'believe_this.', 0.71015864610672)]
>>> bigram_model.most_similar(positive=['my_dad'])
[(u'my_mom', 0.7994954586029053), (u'somebody', 0.7758427262306213), (u'easier', 0.7305313944816589), (u'hot.', 0.7282992601394653), (u'pregnant.', 0.7103987336158752), (u'nobody', 0.7059557437896729), (u'himself.', 0.7046393156051636), (u'physically', 0.7044381499290466), (u'young_lady', 0.69412761926651), (u'at_bernie', 0.682607889175415)]
I’m not quite at the stage where I can automatically pull out the results of a gensim model and do something with it but it is helping me to see some of the main themes in the show.
Next up I’ll try out trigrams and then TF/IDF over the bigrams to see which are the most important on a per episode basis. I also need to dig into Word2Vec to figure out why it comes up with different top phrases than the Phrases model.
About the author
I'm currently working on short form content at ClickHouse. I publish short 5 minute videos showing how to solve data problems on YouTube @LearnDataWithMark. I previously worked on graph analytics at Neo4j, where I also co-authored the O'Reilly Graph Algorithms Book with Amy Hodler.