· neo4j

Neo4j: Modelling 'series' of events

One of the things I’ve never worked out how to model in my football graph is series of matches so that I could answer questions like the following:

How many goals has Robin Van Persie scored in his last 10 matches in the Barclays Premier League?

A brute force approach would be to get all the matches featuring Robin Van Persie in a certain competition, order them by date and take the top ten which would work but doesn’t feel very graph.

I wanted to have a linked list of Robin Van Persie’s Premier League matches in the graph so that I could very quickly traverse the graph and find the answer to my question.

One example of using a linked list could be for modelling television episodes where we capture the most recent episode and then have relationship between consecutive episodes:

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This approach works well when a node is only part of one series and if we wanted to create a linked list of the consecutive matches that Robin Van Persie has played in we might model it using this approach:

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It becomes a bit more interesting if we want to model multiple series of matches e.g. modelling consecutive Premier League matches as well as consecutive Champions League matches.

One way to do this would be to continue to use the 'next' relationship and have multiple linked lists of matches in different competitions

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A query to find Robin Van Persie’s previous 2 Champions League matches from a particular match might read like this:

MATCH (g:Game)<-[:in]-(playerInMatch)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE g.name = "Match 4" AND player.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH playerInMatch
MATCH (playerInMatch)<-[:NEXT*1..2]-(previousPlayerInMatch)-[:in]->(previousGame)
RETURN previousGame, previousPlayerInMatch

This works fine as long as each match is only part of one series but becomes problematic if we want to include a match in multiple series

e.g. the series of all Robin Van Persie matches as well as the series of Robin Van Persie matches played in the Champions League.

One way to do this would be to keep our 'next' relationships as they are but add a property to the relationship to indicate which 'series' we were interested in following:

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The query to find previous Champions League matches would now read like this:

MATCH (g:Game)<-[:in]-(playerInMatch)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE g.name = "Match 4" AND player.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH playerInMatch
MATCH (playerInMatch)<-[n:NEXT*1..2]-(previousPlayerInMatch)-[:in]->(previousGame)
WHERE n.series = "CL"
RETURN previousGame, previousPlayerInMatch

Whenever I find myself modelling something through properties it’s often the case that I’ve missed a domain concept. In this example the overloading of the next relationship indicates a missing concept.

An alternative would be to rename the next relationships for the Champions League and Premier League matches to next_champions_league and next_premier_league respectively although that could get verbose very quickly.

While working through this with Alistair he suggested that we make the series concept even more explicit by pulling out a corresponding playerInMatchSeries node to go along side the playerInMatch (PIM) node.

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If we wanted a series which wasn’t for a specific competition we’d exclude the in_competition relationship. If we expand that idea out we might end up with the following graph:

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I spiked out this idea on a small data set featuring Robin Van Persie’s last 10-15 matches in various competitions:

CREATE (robin:Player {name: "Robin Van Persie"})

CREATE (manUtd:Team {name: "Man Utd"})
CREATE (arsenal:Team {name: "Arsenal"})
CREATE (realSociedad:Team {name: "Real Sociedad"})
CREATE (fulham:Team {name: "Fulham"})
CREATE (stoke:Team {name: "Stoke"})
CREATE (southampton:Team {name: "Southampton"})
CREATE (netherlands:Team {name: "Netherlands"})
CREATE (turkey:Team {name: "Turkey"})
CREATE (hungary:Team {name: "Hungary"})
CREATE (sunderland:Team {name: "Sunderland"})
CREATE (shakhtar:Team {name: "Shakhtar Donetsk"})
CREATE (westBrom:Team {name: "West Brom"})
CREATE (leverkusen:Team {name: "Bayer Leverkusen"})
CREATE (estonia:Team {name: "Estonia"})
CREATE (andorra:Team {name: "Andorra"})

CREATE (premierLeague:Competition {name: "Barclays Premier League"})
CREATE (championsLeague:Competition {name: "Champions League"})
CREATE (worldCupQualifiers:Competition {name: "World Cup Qualifiers"})

CREATE (manUtdVsArsenal:Game {name: "Man Utd vs Arsenal", date: 1384041600, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 0})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsArsenal {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs Arsenal", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsArsenal)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsArsenal)-[:in]->(manUtdVsArsenal)
CREATE UNIQUE (robinManUtdVsArsenal)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (arsenal)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsArsenal)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (realSociedadVsManUtd:Game {name: "Real Sociedad vs Man Utd", date: 1383609600, home_goals: 0, away_goals: 0})
CREATE (robinRealSociedadVsManUtd {name: "RVP in Real Sociedad vs Man Utd", goals: 0})
CREATE UNIQUE (realSociedadVsManUtd)-[:in_competition]->(championsLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinRealSociedadVsManUtd)-[:in]->(realSociedadVsManUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (robinRealSociedadVsManUtd)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtd)<-[:away_team]-(realSociedadVsManUtd)-[:home_team]->(realSociedad)

CREATE (fulhamVsManUtd:Game {name: "Fulham vs Man Utd", date: 1383350400, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 3})
CREATE (robinFulhamVsManUtd {name: "RVP in Fulham vs Man Utd", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (fulhamVsManUtd)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinFulhamVsManUtd)-[:in]->(fulhamVsManUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (fulhamVsManUtd)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtd)<-[:away_team]-(fulhamVsManUtd)-[:home_team]->(fulham)

CREATE (manUtdVsStoke:Game {name: "Man Utd vs Stoke", date: 1382745600, home_goals: 3, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsStoke {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs Stoke", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsStoke)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsStoke)-[:in]->(manUtdVsStoke)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsStoke)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (stoke)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsStoke)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (manUtdVsSouthampton:Game {name: "Man Utd vs Southampton", date: 1382140800, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 1})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsSouthampton {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs Southampton", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsSouthampton)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsSouthampton)-[:in]->(manUtdVsSouthampton)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsSouthampton)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (southampton)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsSouthampton)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (turkeyVsNetherlands:Game {name: "Turkey vs Netherlands", date: 1381795200, home_goals: 0, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinTurkeyVsNetherlands {name: "RVP in Turkey vs Netherlands", goals: 0})
CREATE UNIQUE (turkeyVsNetherlands)-[:in_competition]->(worldCupQualifiers)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinTurkeyVsNetherlands)-[:in]->(turkeyVsNetherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (turkeyVsNetherlands)-[:for]->(netherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlands)<-[:away_team]-(turkeyVsNetherlands)-[:home_team]->(turkey)

CREATE (netherlandsVsHungary:Game {name: "Netherlands vs Hungary", date: 1381449600, home_goals: 8, away_goals: 1})
CREATE (robinNetherlandsVsHungary {name: "RVP in Netherlands vs Hungary", goals: 3})
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlandsVsHungary)-[:in_competition]->(worldCupQualifiers)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinNetherlandsVsHungary)-[:in]->(netherlandsVsHungary)
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlandsVsHungary)-[:for]->(netherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (hungary)<-[:away_team]-(netherlandsVsHungary)-[:home_team]->(netherlands)

CREATE (sunderlandVsManUtd:Game {name: "Sunderland vs Man Utd", date: 1380931200, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinSunderlandVsManUtd {name: "RVP in Sunderland vs Man Utd", goals: 0})
CREATE UNIQUE (sunderlandVsManUtd)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinSunderlandVsManUtd)-[:in]->(sunderlandVsManUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (sunderlandVsManUtd)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtd)<-[:away_team]-(sunderlandVsManUtd)-[:home_team]->(sunderland)

CREATE (shakhtarVsManUtd:Game {name: "Shaktar Donetsk vs Man Utd", date: 1380672000, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 1})
CREATE (robinShaktarVsManUtd {name: "RVP in Shaktar Donetsk vs Man Utd", goals: 0})
CREATE UNIQUE (shakhtarVsManUtd)-[:in_competition]->(championsLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinShaktarVsManUtd)-[:in]->(shakhtarVsManUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (shakhtarVsManUtd)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtd)<-[:away_team]-(shakhtarVsManUtd)-[:home_team]->(shakhtar)

CREATE (manUtdVsWestBrom:Game {name: "Man Utd vs West Brom", date: 1380326400, home_goals: 1, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsWestBrom {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs West Brom", goals: 0})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsWestBrom)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsWestBrom)-[:in]->(manUtdVsWestBrom)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsWestBrom)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (westBrom)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsWestBrom)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (manUtdVsLeverkusen:Game {name: "Man Utd vs Bayer Leverkusen", date: 1379376000, home_goals: 4, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsLeverkusen {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs Bayer Leverkusen", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsLeverkusen)-[:in_competition]->(championsLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsLeverkusen)-[:in]->(manUtdVsLeverkusen)
CREATE UNIQUE (robinManUtdVsLeverkusen)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (leverkusen)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsLeverkusen)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (manUtdVsPalace:Game {name: "Man Utd vs Crystal Palace", date: 1379116800, home_goals: 2, away_goals: 0})
CREATE (robinManUtdVsPalace {name: "RVP in Man Utd vs Crystal Palace", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsPalace)-[:in_competition]->(premierLeague)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinManUtdVsPalace)-[:in]->(manUtdVsPalace)
CREATE UNIQUE (manUtdVsPalace)-[:for]->(manUtd)
CREATE UNIQUE (palace)<-[:away_team]-(manUtdVsPalace)-[:home_team]->(manUtd)

CREATE (andorraVsNetherlands:Game {name: "Andorra vs Netherlands", date: 1378771200, home_goals: 0, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinAndorraVsNetherlands {name: "RVP in Andorra vs Netherlands", goals: 2})
CREATE UNIQUE (andorraVsNetherlands)-[:in_competition]->(worldCupQualifiers)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinAndorraVsNetherlands)-[:in]->(andorraVsNetherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (andorraVsNetherlands)-[:for]->(netherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlands)<-[:away_team]-(andorraVsNetherlands)-[:home_team]->(andorra)

CREATE (netherlandsVsEstonia:Game {name: "Netherlands vs Estonia", date: 1378425600, home_goals: 2, away_goals: 2})
CREATE (robinNetherlandsVsEstonia {name: "RVP in Netherlands vs Estonia", goals: 1})
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlandsVsEstonia)-[:in_competition]->(worldCupQualifiers)
CREATE UNIQUE (robin)-[:played]-(robinNetherlandsVsEstonia)-[:in]->(netherlandsVsEstonia)
CREATE UNIQUE (netherlandsVsEstonia)-[:for]->(netherlands)
CREATE UNIQUE (estonia)<-[:away_team]-(netherlandsVsEstonia)-[:home_team]->(netherlands)

The first step is to create the playerInMatchSeries 'layer' which we do by returning matches by competition and adding the appropriate relationship:

MATCH (p:Player)-[:played]->(stats)-[:in]->(game)-[:in_competition]->(c)
WHERE p.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH game, c, stats, p
ORDER BY game.date

CREATE UNIQUE (stats)-[:in_series]->(series {name: p.name + " in " +  c.name + " Series: " + game.name})-[:for_competition]->(c)

We then execute a second query to add the series which represents all the matches Robin Van Persie played in regardless of competition:

MATCH (p:Player)-[:played]->(stats)-[:in]->(game)
WHERE p.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH game, stats, p
ORDER BY game.date

CREATE UNIQUE (stats)-[:in_series]->(series {name: p.name + " in All Competitions Series: " + game.name})-[:all_competitions]->()

I couldn’t think where the all_competitions relationship should be connected to so I’ve gone for a blank node for the moment.

The next step is to add a 'NEXT' relationship between these series nodes so that we’ll be able to easily navigate between them:

MATCH (p:Player)-[:played]->(stats)-[:in]->(game)-[:in_competition]->(c),
WHERE p.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH series, stats, c, game
ORDER BY game.date

WITH c, COLLECT(series) AS items
FOREACH(i in RANGE(0, length(items)-2) |
    FOREACH(itemsi in [items[i]] |
        FOREACH(itemsi2 in [items[i+1]] |
            CREATE UNIQUE (itemsi)-[:NEXT]->(itemsi2))))
MATCH (p:Player)-[:played]->(stats)-[:in]->(game)-[:in_competition]->(c),
WHERE p.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH series, stats, c, game
ORDER BY game.date

WITH COLLECT(series) AS items
FOREACH(i in RANGE(0, length(items)-2) |
    FOREACH(itemsi in [items[i]] |
        FOREACH(itemsi2 in [items[i+1]] |
            CREATE UNIQUE (itemsi)-[:NEXT]->(itemsi2))))

The syntax is a bit verbose and I covered why it ends up being like this in a previous post.

The next step is to check that we can actually query this part of the graph so we’ll start by trying to find Robin Van Persie’s previous 5 matches before the 'Man Utd vs Arsenal' match:

MATCH (g:Game)<-[:in]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE g.name = "Man Utd vs Arsenal" AND player.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH g, player, stats
MATCH (stats)-[:in_series]->(series)<-[:NEXT*1..5]-(previousSeries)<-[:in_series]-(previousStats),
RETURN previousGame.name as match,
       previousGame.date as date,
       previousGame.home_goals + "-" + previousGame.away_goals as score,
       previousStats.goals as goals
==> +---------------------------------------------------------+
==> | match                      | date       | score | goals |
==> +---------------------------------------------------------+
==> | "Real Sociedad vs Man Utd" | 1383609600 | "0-0" | 0     |
==> | "Fulham vs Man Utd"        | 1383350400 | "1-3" | 1     |
==> | "Man Utd vs Stoke"         | 1382745600 | "3-2" | 1     |
==> | "Man Utd vs Southampton"   | 1382140800 | "1-1" | 1     |
==> | "Turkey vs Netherlands"    | 1381795200 | "0-2" | 0     |
==> +---------------------------------------------------------+

We can check that against his ESPN profile to confirm its correct and indeed it is:

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If we wanted to only find his previous matches in that particular competition we would need to tweak the query to take the for_competition relationship into account:

MATCH (competition)<-[:in_competition]-(g:Game)<-[:in]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE g.name = "Man Utd vs Arsenal" AND player.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH g, player, stats, competition
MATCH (stats)-[:in_series]->(series)<-[:NEXT*1..5]-(previousSeries)<-[:in_series]-(previousStats),
RETURN previousGame.name as match,
       previousGame.date as date,
       previousGame.home_goals + "-" + previousGame.away_goals as score,
       previousStats.goals as goals

If we run that we get the following results:

==> +-------------------------------------------------------+
==> | match                    | date       | score | goals |
==> +-------------------------------------------------------+
==> | "Fulham vs Man Utd"      | 1383350400 | "1-3" | 1     |
==> | "Man Utd vs Stoke"       | 1382745600 | "3-2" | 1     |
==> | "Man Utd vs Southampton" | 1382140800 | "1-1" | 1     |
==> | "Sunderland vs Man Utd"  | 1380931200 | "1-2" | 0     |
==> | "Man Utd vs West Brom"   | 1380326400 | "1-2" | 0     |
==> +-------------------------------------------------------+

A quick glance at his profile suggests all is well. Finally we’ll do a sanity check by starting from a different match in a different competition:

MATCH (competition)<-[:in_competition]-(g:Game)<-[:in]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE g.name = "Turkey vs Netherlands" AND player.name = "Robin Van Persie"
WITH g, player, stats, competition
MATCH (stats)-[:in_series]->(series)<-[:NEXT*1..5]-(previousSeries)<-[:in_series]-(previousStats),
RETURN previousGame.name as match,
       previousGame.date as date,
       previousGame.home_goals + "-" + previousGame.away_goals as score,
       previousStats.goals as goals

And if we run that...

==> +-------------------------------------------------------+
==> | match                    | date       | score | goals |
==> +-------------------------------------------------------+
==> | "Netherlands vs Hungary" | 1381449600 | "8-1" | 3     |
==> | "Andorra vs Netherlands" | 1378771200 | "0-2" | 2     |
==> | "Netherlands vs Estonia" | 1378425600 | "2-2" | 1     |
==> +-------------------------------------------------------+

...the results are as we’d expect.

This post has got ridiculously long so if you’ve reached this point I’d love to hear your thoughts about this approach - does it make sense or is it way too complicated? Let me know!