· neo4j

Neo4j: Testing an unmanaged extension using CommunityServerBuilder

I’ve been playing around with Neo4j unmanaged extensions recently and I wanted to be able to check that it worked properly without having to deploy it to a real Neo4j server.

I’d previously used http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel/1.2-1.2/org/neo4j/kernel/ImpermanentGraphDatabase.java when using Neo4j embedded and Ian pointed me towards CommunityServerBuilder which allows us to do a similar thing in Neo4j server world.

I’ve created an example of a dummy unmanaged extension and test showing this approach but it’s reasonably simple.

Given the following unmanaged extension:

package org.neo4j.unmanaged;

public class DummyResource
    private final ExecutionEngine executionEngine;
    private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();

    public DummyResource( @Context GraphDatabaseService database )
        this.executionEngine = new ExecutionEngine(database);

    public Response uploadNodesFile(  ) throws IOException
        ExecutionResult result = executionEngine.execute("START n = node(*) RETURN n.name ORDER BY n.name");

        ObjectNode root = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
        for (String column : result.columns()) {
            ResourceIterator<Object> rows = result.columnAs(column);

            ArrayNode resultRows = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();
            while(rows.hasNext()) {
                Object row = rows.next();

                if(row != null) {

            root.put(column, resultRows);

        return Response.status( 200 )

We would write the following test which exposes the 'all-nodes' resource at '/unmanaged/dummy/all-nodes':

package org.neo4j.unmanaged;

public class DummyResourceTest {
    private GraphDatabaseAPI db;
    private CommunityNeoServer server;

    public void before() throws IOException {
        ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0);

        server = CommunityServerBuilder
                .withThirdPartyJaxRsPackage("org.neo4j.unmanaged", "/unmanaged")

        db = server.getDatabase().getGraph();

    public void after() {

    public void shouldReturnAllTheNodes() {
        Transaction tx = db.beginTx();
        db.createNode().setProperty("name", "Mark");
        db.createNode().setProperty("name", "Dave");

        JsonNode response = jerseyClient()
                .resource(server.baseUri().toString() + "unmanaged/dummy/all-nodes")

        assertEquals("Dave", response.get("n.name").get(0).asText());
        assertEquals("Mark", response.get("n.name").get(1).asText());

    private Client jerseyClient() {
        DefaultClientConfig defaultClientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
        return Client.create(defaultClientConfig);

Here we add a couple of nodes directly against the Java API and then call our unmanaged extension using a Jersey HTTP client. CommunityServerBuilder spins up an ephemeral store under the covers and we pick a random free port for Neo4j server by using ServerSocket#getLocalPort.

We import CommunityServerBuilder by including the following dependency:


And that’s it!

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