· haskell

Haskell: Initialising a map

I’ve been converting a variation of Kruskal’s algorithm from Ruby into Haskell and one thing I needed to do was create a map of binary based values to node ids.

In Ruby I wrote the following code to do this:

nodes = [1,2,5,7,2,4]
@magical_hash = {}
nodes.each_with_index do |node, index|
  @magical_hash[node] ||= []
  @magical_hash[node] << index

=> {1=>[0], 2=>[1, 4], 5=>[2], 7=>[3], 4=>[5]}

From looking at the documentation it seemed like the easiest way to do this in Haskell would be to convert the nodes into an appropriate list and then call the http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.12.2/html/libraries/containers- function to build the map.

I needed to get the data to look like this:

> let nodesMap = Data.Map.fromList [(1, [0]), (2, [1,4]), (5, [2]), (7, [3]), (4, [5])]
> Data.Map.assocs nodesMap

The first step was to create a list of tuples with the nodes ids and values:

> zip [0..] [1,2,5,7,2,4]

I wanted group the collection by value so that in this instance I could have the 2 nodes with a value of '2' mapping from the same key in the map.

The following code helped do that:

groupIgnoringIndex = groupBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> x == y)
sortIgnoringIndex = sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> x `compare` y)
> (groupIgnoringIndex . sortIgnoringIndex) (zip [0..] [1,2,5,7,2,4])

I wrote the following function to convert that collection into one that could be passed to fromList:

asMapEntry :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int, [Int])
asMapEntry nodesWithIndexes = ((snd . head) nodesWithIndexes,
                              foldl (\acc (x,_) -> acc ++ [x]) [] nodesWithIndexes)
> asMapEntry [(1,2),(4,2)]

We can then put all those functions together into the following top level function:

toMap :: [Int] -> Map Int [Int]
toMap nodes = Data.Map.fromList $ map asMapEntry $ (groupIgnoringIndex . sortIgnoringIndex) nodesWithIndexes
              where nodesWithIndexes = (zip [0..] nodes)
> Data.Map.assocs $ toMap [1,2,5,7,2,4]

I haven’t properly investigated all the functions available in the Data.Map package but my gut feeling is there must be a better way to do this - the sort/group combination is ugly in the extreme!

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