· scala

Scala: Option.isDefined as the new null check

One cool thing about using Scala on my current project is that we don’t have nulls anywhere in our code, instead when something may or may not be there we make use of the Option type.

Unfortunately what we’ve (heavily contributed by me) ended up with in our code base is repeated use of the http://www.scala-lang.org/api/rc/scala/Option.html method whenever we want to make a decision depending on whether or not the option is populated.

For example the following is quite common:

case class Foo(val bar:String)
val foo : Option[Foo] = Some(Foo("mark"))
> val bar = if(foo.isDefined) Some(foo.get.bar) else None
bar: Option[String] = Some(mark)

We can actually get rid of the if statement by making use of collect instead:

> val bar = foo.collect { case f => f.bar }
bar: Option[String] = Some(mark)

And if foo is None:

> val foo : Option[Foo] = None
> val bar = foo.collect { case f => f.bar }
bar: Option[String] = None

The code is now simpler and as long as you understand collect then it’s easier to understand as well.

Another quite common example would be something like this:

case class Foo(val bar:Option[String])
> val foos = List(Foo(Some("mark")), Foo(None), Foo(Some("needham")))
foos: List[Foo] = List(Foo(Some(mark)), Foo(None), Foo(Some(needham)))
> foos.filter(_.bar.isDefined).map(_.bar.get + " awesome")
res23: List[java.lang.String] = List(mark awesome, needham awesome)

Which we can simplify down to:

foos.collect { case Foo(Some(bar)) => bar + " awesome" }

When I was playing around with F# a couple of years ago I learnt that wherever possible I should try and keep chaining functions together rather than breaking the code up into conditionals and I think the same applies here.

There are loads of methods available on http://www.scala-lang.org/api/rc/scala/collection/TraversableLike.html to help us achieve this.