· coding

Getting stuck and agile software teams

I came across an interesting set of posts by Jeff Wofford where he talks about programmers getting stuck and it made me think that, despite its faults, agile software development does have some useful practices for stopping us getting stuck for too long.

Many of the examples that Jeff describes sound like yak shaving to me which is part of what makes programming fun but doesn’t always correlate to adding value to the product that you’re building.

Although I wrote about some of the disadvantages of pair programming a while ago it is actually a very useful practice for ensuring that we don’t get stuck.

We’re much less likely to go off down a rabbit hole trying to solve some interesting but unrelated problem if we have to try and convince someone else to come along on that journey.

On most teams that I’ve worked on at least a reasonable percentage of the team is co-located so there’s almost certainly going to be someone sitting nearby who will be able to help.

If that isn’t enough, we tend to have a very visible story wall of what everyone’s working on right next to the work space and it become pretty obvious when something has been stuck in one of the columns for a long time.

Another team member is bound to point that out and if they don’t then the standup at the beginning of the day provides a good opportunity to see if anyone else on the team has a way around the problem you’re working on.

It also provides an opportunity to find out whether the problem you’re trying to solve is actually worth solving or not by talking to the product owner/one of the business analysts.

For the types of problems that I work on more often than not it isn’t vital to solve a lot of problems that we think we need to and the product owner would much rather we just parked it and work on something else that is valuable to them.

Jeff goes on to describe some other more general ways of getting unstuck but the above are some which might not be available to us with a less collaborative approach.