· scala

Scala: Setting a default value

We wanted to try and generate a build label to use for the name of the artifacts archive that gets generated each time we run the build but wanted to default it to a hard coded value if the system property representing the build label wasn’t available.

In Ruby we would be able to do something like this:

buildLabel =  ENV["GO_PIPELINE_LABEL"] || "LOCAL"

There isn’t a function in Scala that does that so we initially ended up with this:

  def buildLabel() = [{
    System.getenv("GO_PIPELINE_LABEL") match {
      case null => "LOCAL"
      case label => label

My colleague Mushtaq suggested passing the initial value into an Option like so…​

def buildLabel() = {

…​which I think is pretty neat!

I tried to see what the definition of an operator to do it the Ruby way would look like and ended up with the following:

class RichAny[A](value:A ) {
      def || (default:A ) = {  Option(value).getOrElse(default)  }
implicit def any2RichAny[A <: AnyRef](x: A) = new RichAny(x)

Which we can use like so:

def buildLabel() = {
System.getenv("GO_PIPELINE_LABEL") || "LABEL"

I imagine that’s probably not the idiomatic Scala way to do it so I’d be curious to know what is.

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