· dos windows-command-prompt auto-completion

Auto complete with tab in DOS

It’s becoming quite a couple of weeks of learning for me around DOS and I have another tip that I just learnt today.

I always found it really frustrating when using the windows command prompt that I couldn’t get Unix style tab auto completion. To navigate my way to a directory I would do the following:

C:\>cd DownloadsC:\Downloads>cd nant-0.85C:\Downloads\nant-0.85>cd binC:\Downloads\nant-0.85\bin>~
It is very tedious as you might imagine. I would try placing a forward slash after each directory in the hope that it would allow me to scroll through the next directory down but to no avail.

Little did I know that in fact I needed to be using the backslash. The above can now be done in one line using Unix style tabbing auto completion:

C:\>cd Downloads\nant-0.85\binC:\Downloads\nant-0.85\bin>~

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