Software Development

Running asciidoctor-pdf on TeamCity
· ruby asciidoc asciidoctor asciidoctor-pdf gemfile

Asciidoctor: Creating a macro
· asciidoc asciidoctor

Asciidoc to Asciidoc: Exploding includes
· asciidoc asciidoctor

Strava: Calculating the similarity of two runs
· python strava running strava-api dtw dynamic-time-warping google-encoded-polyline-algorithm-format

Morning Pages: What should I write about?
· journalling writing

Serverless: Building a mini producer/consumer data pipeline with AWS SNS
· aws serverless sns ec2 data-pipeline

Serverless: S3 - S3BucketPermissions - Action does not apply to any resource(s) in statement
· aws s3 serverless

Serverless: AWS HTTP Gateway - 502 Bad Gateway
· aws-lambda serverless http-gateway

Serverless: Python - virtualenv - { "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'handler'" }
· python serverless

AWS Lambda: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory'
· aws aws-lambda