Machine Learning

Predicting movie genres with node2Vec and Tensorflow
· python machine-learning tensorflow data-science node2vec

Exploring node2vec - a graph embedding algorithm
· python machine-learning data-science node2vec t-sne

Tensorflow 1.8: Hello World using the Estimator API
· python machine-learning tensorflow data-science

Tensorflow: Kaggle Spooky Authors Bag of Words Model
· kaggle machine-learning tensorflow

scikit-learn: First steps with log_loss
· scikit-learn

scikit-learn: Clustering and the curse of dimensionality
· machine-learning-2 python scikit-learn

scikit-learn: Trying to find clusters of Game of Thrones episodes
· scikit-learn

Neo4j/scikit-learn: Calculating the cosine similarity of Game of Thrones episodes
· machine-learning-2 python

How I met your mother: Story arcs
· machine-learning-2

Topic Modelling: Working out the optimal number of topics
· python