R: Joining multiple data frames
I’ve been looking through the code from Martin Eastwood’s excellent talk 'Predicting Football Using R' and was intrigued by the code which reshaped the data into that expected by glm.
The original looks like this:
df <- read.csv('http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1314/E0.csv')
# munge data into format compatible with glm function
df <- apply(df, 1, function(row){
data.frame(team=c(row['HomeTeam'], row['AwayTeam']),
opponent=c(row['AwayTeam'], row['HomeTeam']),
goals=c(row['FTHG'], row['FTAG']),
home=c(1, 0))
df <- do.call(rbind, df)
The initial data frame looks like this:
> library(dplyr)
> df %>% select(HomeTeam, AwayTeam, FTHG, FTAG) %>% head(1)
HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG FTAG
1 Arsenal Aston Villa 1 3~~~
<p>And we want to get it to look like this:</p>
> head(df, 2)
team opponent goals home
HomeTeam Arsenal Aston Villa 1 1
AwayTeam Aston Villa Arsenal 3 0
So for each row in the initial data frame we want to have two rows: one representing each team, how many goals they scored in the match and whether they were playing at home or away.
I really like dplyr’s pipelining function so I thought I’d try and translate Martin’s code to use that and other dplyr functions.
I ended up with the following two sets of function calls:
df %>% select(team = HomeTeam, opponent = AwayTeam, goals = FTHG) %>% mutate(home = 1)
df %>% select(team = AwayTeam, opponent = HomeTeam, goals = FTAG) %>% mutate(home = 0)
I’m doing pretty much the same thing as Martin except I’ve used dplyr’s select and mutate functions to transform the data frame.
The next step was to join those two data frames together and with Nicole’s help I realised that there are many ways we can do this.
The functions that will do the job are:
We decided to benchmark them to see which was able to transform the data frame the fastest:
# load data into data.frame
dfOrig <- read.csv('http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1314/E0.csv')
original = function(df) {
df <- apply(df, 1, function(row){
data.frame(team=c(row['HomeTeam'], row['AwayTeam']),
opponent=c(row['AwayTeam'], row['HomeTeam']),
goals=c(row['FTHG'], row['FTAG']),
home=c(1, 0))
do.call(rbind, df)
newRBind = function(df) {
rbind(df %>% select(team = HomeTeam, opponent = AwayTeam, goals = FTHG) %>% mutate(home = 1),
df %>% select(team = AwayTeam, opponent = HomeTeam, goals = FTAG) %>% mutate(home = 0))
newUnion = function(df) {
union(df %>% select(team = HomeTeam, opponent = AwayTeam, goals = FTHG) %>% mutate(home = 1),
df %>% select(team = AwayTeam, opponent = HomeTeam, goals = FTAG) %>% mutate(home = 0))
newJoin = function(df) {
join(df %>% select(team = HomeTeam, opponent = AwayTeam, goals = FTHG) %>% mutate(home = 1),
df %>% select(team = AwayTeam, opponent = HomeTeam, goals = FTAG) %>% mutate(home = 0),
type = "full")
newMerge = function(df) {
merge(df %>% select(team = HomeTeam, opponent = AwayTeam, goals = FTHG) %>% mutate(home = 1),
df %>% select(team = AwayTeam, opponent = HomeTeam, goals = FTAG) %>% mutate(home = 0),
all = TRUE)
> library(microbenchmark)
> microbenchmark(original(dfOrig))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
original(dfOrig) 189.4 196.8 202.5 201 205.5 284 100
> microbenchmark(newRBind(dfOrig))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
newRBind(dfOrig) 2.197 2.274 2.396 2.309 2.377 4.526 100
> microbenchmark(newUnion(dfOrig))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
newUnion(dfOrig) 2.156 2.223 2.377 2.264 2.34 4.597 100
> microbenchmark(newJoin(dfOrig))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
newJoin(dfOrig) 5.961 6.132 6.817 6.253 6.65 11.95 100
> microbenchmark(newMerge(dfOrig))
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
newMerge(dfOrig) 7.121 7.413 8.037 7.541 7.934 13.32 100
We actually get a 100 time speed up over the original function if we use rbind or union whereas with merge or join it’s around 35 times quicker.
In this case using merge or join is a bit misleading because we’re not actually connecting the data frames together based on any particular field - we are just appending one to the other.
The code’s available as a gist if you want to have a play.
About the author
I'm currently working on short form content at ClickHouse. I publish short 5 minute videos showing how to solve data problems on YouTube @LearnDataWithMark. I previously worked on graph analytics at Neo4j, where I also co-authored the O'Reilly Graph Algorithms Book with Amy Hodler.