· java clojure neo4j

clojure/Java Interop - Importing neo4j spatial data

I wrote a post about a week ago where I described how I’d added football stadiums to my football graph using neo4j spatial and after I’d done that I wanted to put it into my import script along with the rest of the data.

I thought leiningen would probably work quite well for this as you can point it at a Java class and have it be executed.

To start with I had to change the import code slightly to link stadiums to teams which have already been added to the graph:

package main.java;

// imports excluded

public class StadiumsImport {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        List<String> lines = readFile("data/stadiums.csv");

        EmbeddedGraphDatabase db = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase("neo4j-community-1.9.M04/data/graph.db");
        Index<Node> stadiumsIndex = createSpatialIndex(db, "stadiumsLocation");
        Transaction tx = db.beginTx();

        for (String stadium : lines) {
            String[] columns = stadium.split(",");
            Index<Node> teamsIndex = db.index().forNodes("teams");
            String team = columns[1].replaceAll("\"","");
            Node teamNode = teamsIndex.get("name", team).getSingle();

            if(teamNode != null) {
                Node stadiumNode = db.createNode();
                stadiumNode.setProperty("wkt", String.format("POINT(%s %s)", columns[4], columns[3]));
                stadiumNode.setProperty("name", columns[0].replaceAll("\"",""));
                stadiumsIndex.add(stadiumNode, "dummy", "value");
                teamNode.createRelationshipTo(stadiumNode, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("play_at"));



    private static Index<Node> createSpatialIndex(EmbeddedGraphDatabase db,  String indexName) {
        return db.index().forNodes(indexName, SpatialIndexProvider.SIMPLE_WKT_CONFIG);

    // readFile excluded

I’ve excluded some bits of the code for brevity but it’s on this gist if you’re interested.

The only change from last week’s version is that we’re now looking up the team that a stadium belongs to and creating a 'play_at' relationship from the team to the stadium.

I was then able to execute that code by calling 'lein run' based on the following project.clj file:

(defproject neo4jfootball "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "neo4j football project"
  :main "main.java.StadiumsImport"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
                 [org.neo4j/neo4j-spatial "0.11-SNAPSHOT"]
                 [clojure-csv/clojure-csv "2.0.0-alpha1"]]
  :jvm-opts ["-Xmx2g"]
  :plugins [[lein-idea "1.0.1"]]
  :repositories {"local" ~(str (.toURI (java.io.File. "maven_repository")))}
  :java-source-paths ["src/main/java"] )

I’m using a local Maven repository to store the neo4j spatial JAR. The Maven entry was created by executed the following command from where I had the neo4j spatial project checked out:

 mvn install:install-file -Dfile=target/neo4j-spatial-0.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -DartifactId=neo4j-spatial -Dversion=0.11-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=org.neo4j -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=/path/to/neo4j-football/maven_repository -DpomFile=pom.xml

That worked reasonably well but I thought it’d be interesting to see what the above code would look like if it was written in clojure instead.

This is what I ended up with:

(ns neo4jfootball.core
  (:require [clojure-csv.core :as csv])
  (:use clojure.java.io)
  (:import (org.neo4j.kernel EmbeddedGraphDatabase) (org.neo4j.gis.spatial.indexprovider SpatialIndexProvider) (org.neo4j.graphdb DynamicRelationshipType)))

(defn take-csv [fname]
  (with-open [file (reader fname)]
    (csv/parse-csv (slurp file))))

(defn transform [line] {:stadium (get line 0) :team (get line 1) :lat (get line 3) :long (get line 4)})

(def not-nil? (comp not nil?))

(defn create-stadium-node [db line]
  (let [stadium-node (.. db createNode)]
    (.. stadium-node (setProperty "wkt" (format "POINT(%s %s)" (:long line) (:lat line))))
    (.. stadium-node (setProperty "name" (:stadium line)))

(defn -main []
    (let [db (new EmbeddedGraphDatabase "neo4j-community-1.9.M04/data/graph.db")
          tx (.beginTx db)
          stadiums-index (.. db index (forNodes "stadiumsLocation" (SpatialIndexProvider/SIMPLE_WKT_CONFIG)))
          teams-index    (.. db index (forNodes "teams"))]
      (doseq [line (drop 1 (map transform (take-csv "data/stadiums.csv")))]
        (let [team-node (.. teams-index (get "name" (:team line)) getSingle)]
          (if (not-nil? team-node)
            (let [stadium-node (create-stadium-node db line)]
              (.. stadiums-index (add stadium-node "dummy" "value"))
              (.. team-node (createRelationshipTo stadium-node (DynamicRelationshipType/withName "play_at")))))))
      (.. tx success)
      (.. tx finish))))

The code is simplified quite a bit by using the clojure CSV library so I could probably have achieved similar in the Java version by using an equivalent library.

It’s a bit easier to see what properties of a row in the CSV file are being used where as a result of the transform function where we convert the array into a map.

It would have taken quite a bit more code to achieve a similar thing in Java so I didn’t bother.

The Java Interop page on the clojure website was quite useful for working out how to call the various methods on the Java API.

I’m mainly using the http://clojure.org/java_interop#Java Interop-The Dot special form-(.. Classname-symbol member+) macro which allows us to chain Java method calls together. In a couple of cases we could just as easily have used the http://clojure.org/java_interop#Java Interop-The Dot special form-(. Classname-symbol (method-symbol args*)) or macro instead.

We can then call this code from lein like so:

lein run -m neo4jfootball.core