· android

Learning Android: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space with android-maven-plugin

I’ve been trying to adapt my Android application to fit into the structure of the RobolectricSample so that I can add some tests around my code but I was running into a problem when trying to deploy the application.

To deploy the application you need to run the following command:

mvn package android:deploy

Which was resulting in the following error:

[INFO] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.rop.code.PlainInsn.withNewRegisters(PlainInsn.java:152)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.NormalSsaInsn.toRopInsn(NormalSsaInsn.java:121)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.back.SsaToRop.convertInsns(SsaToRop.java:342)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.back.SsaToRop.convertBasicBlock(SsaToRop.java:323)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.back.SsaToRop.convertBasicBlocks(SsaToRop.java:260)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.back.SsaToRop.convert(SsaToRop.java:124)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.back.SsaToRop.convertToRopMethod(SsaToRop.java:70)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.Optimizer.optimize(Optimizer.java:102)
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa.Optimizer.optimize(Optimizer.java:73)

I’d added a few dependencies to the original pom.xml file so I figured on of those must be causing the problem and eventually narrowed it down to be the twitter4j-core library which I had defined like this in the pom.xml file:


I found a bug report for the maven-android-plugin which suggested that increasing the heap size might solve the problem.

That section of the pom.xml file ended up looking like this:


That seemed to get rid of the problem but I also tried changing the plugin version to the latest one and that seemed to solve the problem as well without the need to add the JVM arguments:


The latest version is 3.0.2 from what I can tell.

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