F#: Word Count - A somewhat failed attempt
I came across Zach Cox’s word count problem via Sam Aaron and Ola Bini’s twitter streams and I thought it’d be interesting to try it out in F# to see what the solution would be like.
The solution needs to count word frequencies from a selection of newsgroup articles.
I wanted to see if it was possible to write it in F# without using a map to keep track of how many of each word had been found.
My thinking was that I would need to keep all of the words found and then calculate the totals at the end.
After a bit of fiddling this is the version I ended up with:
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|File|Directory|) path = if(Directory.Exists path) then Directory(path) else File(path)
let getFileSystemEntries path = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries path |> Array.to_list
let files path =
let rec inner fileSystemEntries files =
match fileSystemEntries with
| [] -> files
| File path :: rest -> inner rest (path :: files)
| Directory path :: rest -> inner (List.append rest (getFileSystemEntries path)) files
inner (getFileSystemEntries path) []
let downloadFile path =
use streamReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead path)
let words input= Regex.Matches(input, "\w+") |> Seq.cast |> Seq.map (fun (x:Match) -> x.Value.ToLower())
let wordCount = files >>
List.map downloadFile >>
List.map words >>
List.fold (fun acc x -> Seq.append acc x) Seq.empty >>
Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x) >>
Seq.map (fun (value, sequence) -> (value, Seq.length sequence))
let writeTo (path:string) (values:seq<string * int>) =
use writer = new StreamWriter(path)
values |> Seq.iter (fun (value,count) -> writer.WriteLine(value + " " + count.ToString()))
let startTime = DateTime.Now
let count = wordCount "Z:\\20_newsgroups"
printfn "Writing counts in alphabetical order"
count |> Seq.sort |> writeTo "C:\\results\\counts-alphabetical-fsharp.txt"
printfn "Writing counts in descending order"
count |> Seq.sortBy (fun (_, count) -> count * -1) |> writeTo "C:\\results\\counts-descending-fsharp.txt"
let endTime = DateTime.Now
printfn "Finished in: %d seconds" (endTime - startTime).Seconds
The problem is that this version results in a StackOverFlow exception when I try to execute it with all the newsgroup articles although it does work correctly if I select just one of the folders.
From what I can tell the exception happens on line 24 when I get the text out of each of the files and store it in the list.
I tried changing this bit of code so that instead of doing that I combined the 'words' and 'downloadFile' functions so that the whole string wouldn’t be saved but this doesn’t seem to help that much. The exception just ended up happening a bit further down.
I’m not sure if it’s possible to make this work by making use of lazy collections - I’m not that familiar with those yet so I"m not sure how to do it - or if this approach is just doomed!
Despite the fact it doesn’t quite work there were some interesting things I noticed while playing with this problem:
At one stage I was trying to deal with a list of sequences whereby I had a list of sequences of words for each of the newsgroup articles. I found this really difficult to reason about as I was writing a 'List.map' and then a 'Seq.map' inside that. I originally had the 'List.fold (fun acc x -> Seq.append acc x) Seq.empty' line happening later on in that composition of functions such that I grouped all the words and then counted how many there were before folding down into a single sequence. I realised this didn’t make much sense and it would be much easier to just go to the sequence earlier on and make the code easier to follow.
I’ve previously written about wrapping .NET library calls and I was doing this quite a lot when I started writing this code. For example I had written a function called 'isDirectory' which wrapped 'Directory.Exists' which I wrote more out of habit than anything else but it doesn’t really add much value. I think when we’re talking about wrapping static methods this is probably always the case. It’s when we want to call a method on a C# object that the wrapping approach can be helpful.
I quite like the Ruby way of writing to a file... ~ruby open("counts-descreasing-ruby", "w") do |out| counts.sort { |a, b| b[1] \<⇒ a[1] }.each { |pair| out << "{pair[0]}\t{pair[1]}\n" } end ~ ...so I thought I’d see what it would look like to change my 'writeTo' function to be more like that: ~ocaml let writeTo (path:string) (f: StreamWriter -> Unit) = use writer = new StreamWriter(path) f writer ~ ~ocaml writeTo "C:\\results\\counts-alphabetical-fsharp.txt" (fun out -> count |> Seq.sort |> Seq.iter (fun (v,c) -> out.WriteLine(v + " " + c.ToString()))) ~ I’m not sure it reads as well as the original version - the writing to file seems to becomes more prominent in this version than the data being written to it.
If anyone has any ideas about how I can get this not to blow up that would be cool!
These are some of the other solutions that I’ve come across:
About the author
I'm currently working on short form content at ClickHouse. I publish short 5 minute videos showing how to solve data problems on YouTube @LearnDataWithMark. I previously worked on graph analytics at Neo4j, where I also co-authored the O'Reilly Graph Algorithms Book with Amy Hodler.